Organic Basics: behind the Scene — SustainYourStyle

Organic Basics: behind the Scene

Picture from @organicbasics

Picture from @organicbasics

As we are committed to informing you about Fashion and Sustainability, we want to highlight the vision of different brands about this subject through a series of interviews. Our goal is to show you that there isn’t one single definition but different meanings according to each of us.

In this section, we aim to show you the different ways to come through the big subject of Sustainability and to act for a better world.

In this first interview, we got lucky to ask to Organic Basics, the famous ethical underwear brand, how they integrate it in their organization and how they act every day to improve their environmental and social impact in their industry.

What is the origin of Organic Basics? What reveals your brand concept ?

Organic Basics was founded by Christoffer Immanuel, Mads Fibiger, and Alexander Christiansen, three friends from Denmark.

For them, it was about trying to build an honest, responsible, quality clothing brand where people could relate to brand values. We didn’t have any experience in the fashion industry and no dots were connected but Organic Basics was born anyway. By entering the industry with fresh eyes, we were able to question the entire process and ensure that every step taken was going to be better for the environment, the workers and the industry.

What does the word “Sustainability” mean to you and how do Sustainability’s issues impact you as a brand?

Realizing that the fashion industry was the second most polluting industry and that nobody was doing anything to change that, we decided to try and do something about it and created Organic Basics, an organization with a purpose.

Sustainability and ethical practices are the core of what we do. We try to take sustainability as far as we can - from our supply chain to the decisions we make as a team in the office. No decision is taken without considering whether it’s the most sustainable option available.

What is your strongest commitment in terms of Sustainability in your business ? What could you do better ?

Our strongest commitment is our organization in full working towards helping and inspiring a dirty fashion industry to reinvent itself. The beauty of sustainability is that its a process, not an end goal. So to answer the question, we could and should try to do everything better, and limit our impact as an organization and as an industry.

What are your main objectives for the next 5 years ?

At Organic Basics, we believe that it was a million bad decisions that got this industry into the trouble, it is today. And it’s a million better decisions that will get us out of this crisis of over-consumption and polluting our planet. Changing things for the better is what we are doing now, and hopefully also what we’ll be doing in 5 years.

What is THE product that at best represents and defines Organic Basics ? And why ?

I think what we as an organization love about Organic Basics is that we are so much more than products, and we refuse to let products define us rather than our values and our commitment to lower our impact as an organization and industry.

If you’re forcing me to pick one product, It would be the Tencel Lite Bralette, as it’s the embodiment of what we want to see in fashion - it’s comfortable and long-lasting, designed with a low impact carbon footprint while being timelessly versatile. 

Do you want to learn more about Organic Basics Commitments? Visit their website


Tencel Lite Bralette,

Organic Basics.

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